The Optimum Focus foot bath is a gentle and effective way to cleanse the body. The 'energetic foot bath' is an application of a process, 'Peritoneal Dialysis'. This process uses osmosis to remove impurities from the body. Osmosis is the phenomenon of fluids passing through a semi-permeable membrane, from a less dense solution into a higher dense solution.

Regular use of the Optimum Focus footbath can achieve: Anti-aging Removal of Some Heavy Metals, Boosted Immune System, Clearer Skin Complexion, Detoxification, Pain Relief, Weight Loss, A Feeling of Lightness, Increased Mental Clarity, Increased Circulation, Reduced Stress & Fatigue, Reduced Swelling/Inflammation and Faster Healing, Improved Joint Stiffness Relief of Muscle Aches and Joint Pains, And More....

Sessions Price
1 Treatment $35

Appointments suggested

Please call for availability & scheduling



Got a question? We’re here to help.

  • What is an ionic foot bath?

    An ionic foot bath is a spa treatment that uses an electrically charged footbath to pull toxins and impurities from the body through the feet.

  • How does an ionic foot bath work?

    An ionic foot bath works by creating an electric charge in the water, which helps to pull toxins and impurities out of the body through the pores in the feet.

  • What are the benefits of an ionic foot bath?

    Benefits of an ionic foot bath may include improved energy levels, reduced pain and inflammation, improved circulation, and reduced stress and anxiety.

  • Will I feel any discomfort during the ionic foot bath session?

    You should not experience any discomfort during the session. Some people may feel a slight tingling sensation or warmth in the feet.

  • What should I expect after an ionic foot bath session?

    After an ionic foot bath session, you may feel relaxed and refreshed. Some people may also experience increased energy levels or improved sleep.

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